Welcome to the Amateur Radio Website for N3AMW!
Lancaster, PA, USA - FN10va
- Icom IC7300 on a Comet CHA-250B 23' Vertical multiband at 36'.
- Backup Kenwood 690S on Comet HFV-5 at 30'. 13' dipole (trapped V) Rotated - Coverage: 40m/20m/15m/10m/6m.
- Alinco DJ-MD5GP DMR & MMDVM duplex Hotspot
Fort Ashby, WV, USA - FM09ok
- Icom IC705 on a Comet GP-3 dual band VHF/UHF vertical or an Arrow 146-4S 4 element 2m horizontal beam, rotated.
- Flexradio 6400M on a 6m-80m OCF / windom at 40ft inverted V, or 6m on horizontal 4 element ARROW 52-4S beam.
- Alinco DR-MD520 2m, 1.25m, 70cm
- Alinco DJ-MD5XT DMR & MMDVM duplex Hotspot
Listening etc.
- Scanning: Uniden SDS100.
- General Receive: SDRplay rsp2pro, rsp1a.
- Flights: Flightaware on Pi3, Virtual Radar on RTL-SDR.
- MURS: Retevis RB27V.